
Walk with me...as I share this incredible journey.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Being Invisible

In our master bathroom, I wanted to keep the light coming in, but obviously did not want anyone to be able to see into the bathroom.  My solution was to take a clear, textured plastic shower curtain, fold it in half, and hang it in the window.  To make sure that no one could see in, Dave went outside at night, I turned on all the lights, and he stood outside.  He said that even with me standing right inside the window, he could not see anything more than vague shadows. 

So, a couple of days ago, I just had to laugh at my cat.  He loves to sit up in the window behind that curtain.  Of course, he was backlit, and I could see him.  I was talking to him, and he would not even look at me.  He thought he was completely hidden, and as long as he believed that, nothing I did or said would convince him otherwise.  When I walked over to the window, he would peek out from underneath. 
Since my last blog, I have been working at a temporary job.  I loved the commute – it was only two miles from my house!  Originally, I was told that the job would last through the end of March.  However, Monday, after I left work for the day, the temp agency called and said I wasn’t needed any more.  I felt invisible.  And unlike my Sonny, I didn’t like it.

Intellectually, I know that the very nature of a temp job is that it’s temporary!  But I hate feeling like a used tissue, and being tossed away as soon as they get all the use they can out of you.  I hate making friends and not being able to say “good-bye.”  I hate not getting any kind of feedback – “you did a good job” or “you could improve in this area.”  But it is part of the package.
Of course, I survived being let go.  And it wasn’t nearly as hard as being let go from my long-term job.  There is good news, too!  Since the temp job ended, I now have two interviews next week.  It looks like getting out of the invisible temp job might be the best thing that could have happened!  I will keep you posted!

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