
Walk with me...as I share this incredible journey.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Back to Work

We made it safely to Florida, and safely back.  I was tired when we got back on Thursday afternoon.  I was really glad I had planned to take off Friday as well – because I spent all day Friday and Saturday just doing nothing.  I’m still a little tired this morning, but nothing out of the ordinary for a Monday.
I did not get to weigh while I was gone, but I cannot begin to express how happy I was that my weight Friday morning (after I got back) was down 1.4 pounds from when I weighed the day we left!  Despite eating out (while on the road) – and being out of my “zone” (making it more difficult to drink the water I should drink, and to get enough rest in a strange bed) – I made good choices!  I can do this!
It was a little weird being the youngest person in the entire state of Florida.  OK – that might be a little exaggeration – but I certainly didn’t get to spend any time with people my age or younger.  My aunt lives in a senior’s trailer park.  It was nice to get back home – and be the OLD person around!
While we were gone – someone said to me, “If your bottom ever catches up with your top, you will be skinny!”  I’m almost certain that was meant as a compliment, but the comment really bothered me.  And then, I was really, really bothered that it mattered so much.  I have said all along that I was not doing this to be a certain size or to get down to a certain weight.  My motivation at every step of this journey has been to improve my heart and my health.  So why would I care if someone else thinks I’m skinny?  My heart and my health ARE improving.  I am meeting my goals.
I guess if I’m honest with myself, I have to admit that I DO care what I look like.  And while “being skinny” is NOT my focus, I want to look nice.  I want other people to think that I look nice.  I want my “bottom to catch up with my top.”  I guess I want it all.

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