
Walk with me...as I share this incredible journey.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thinking About Things

It seems that nearly everywhere I turn – there are advertisements for costumes for Halloween.  And even though I am NOT in the market to buy a costume, it has occurred to me that this year, for the first time in my adult life – I could actually fit into something that was not “plus-sized.”  The possibilities are endless – a fairy tale character – something from a movie – a princess – an astronaut!  This year, unlike so many prior years, I have a wealth of choices.
Now, I must confess that I love dressing up in a costume!  My employer allows us to dress up at work.  My favorite costumes are the ones that are homemade.  One year, I took an old t-shirt – and attached empty, individual-sized cereal boxes.  Each box had a plastic knife through it.  I dripped fake blood around the knives and down the t-shirt – and went as a “Cereal Killer.”  GROAN!  (Oh, the pun-ishment!)  But I got a lot of laughs that year.  One year I took a clear plastic dry cleaner’s bag – made a hole for my head and my arms – stuffed it with small, different colored balloons - sealed the bottom of the bag – and went as a bag of jellybeans.
If I dress up this year, I will most likely make my own costume – again!  But having the choices available…that is DEFINITELY another non-scale victory.  It is the difference between having two or maybe three different crayons at a restaurant (typically, blue, red, and yellow – or sometimes green) and having the great big box of 128 different colors to choose from!  I can do a lot with two or three crayons – but you should see what I can do with all of them! 
Whatever I decide to do – I will post a picture.  Maybe I will do something to reflect this journey I am on – something that shows the before and after…the choices are endless!

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