
Walk with me...as I share this incredible journey.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Birthday Reflections

I had a GREAT weekend.  I didn’t DO anything particularly out of the ordinary – went to the pool, went to the movies, went to church, ate dinner after church with some friends, to name a few of my activities – but it was a wonderful weekend, regardless.
First of all, I had birthday greetings from many people – in person, on the phone, via text, with cards both electronically and through the mail, and through Facebook!  It is nice to know that so many people are thinking about me, for a moment anyway, on my special day.  People sang to me – people came to visit – people gave me lots of birthday hugs!  A big THANKS to everyone who took the time!
Next, I got my new driver’s license.  I’m really glad that I took the time to go to the DDS (Department of Driver Services) instead of renewing online.  I wanted a new picture, for obvious reasons, and I wanted to remove the restriction for corrective lenses.  (I had lasix surgery several years ago, but had never made that change.)  If you renew online, you cannot make any changes.  I don’t really want a ticket of any kind, but if I DO get pulled over now, I won’t mind showing my license.  And it really looks like me, so I can use if for identification!
Saturday night we got to go to the movies.  While this used to be a common occurrence, it rarely happens now as we watch our finances closely.  But when one of the local theaters was open at midnight last week for the opening of a much-anticipated movie – Dave got to deliver pizza for all of the theater workers.  Part of his tip included three movie passes – good for any movie!  We used them to the IMAX 3D theater – at over $15 each ticket – that turned into an amazing tip!  And we enjoyed our movie.
Worship service was wonderful yesterday!  Dave got to lead worship.  We taught the congregation “Days of Elijah” and people seemed to enjoy it.  And Dave sang the special music – “How Great Thou Art” – my all-time favorite!  I signed while he sang, and judging from the comments, it was really appreciated by everyone in attendance.
After service, we went out for dinner with friends – at a great restaurant.  It was so much fun just being there with everyone.  For the most part, it was the same group we go out with every Sunday, but it is good to fellowship with friends.
As I read this list and reflect on my birthday – I realize again how very blessed I am.  I don’t need things – I have PEOPLE – wonderful PEOPLE!  And that is the best present of all!

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