
Walk with me...as I share this incredible journey.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Using the Pool

I officially made it to the pool last night – to start the exercise program the doctor wants me on for my knee.  I walked and did a variety of leg lifts in the pool for a solid 30 minutes, then walked home.  Boy, am I sore this morning!  The walking home was part of the issue – but I haven’t been doing ANYTHING for a while, so it is not just my knee hurting this morning.  It is a good hurt, though; I don’t mind being sore when I know that it will soon pass.  I plan to head back tonight and start the whole thing over again.  It feels good to get back to doing exercise.
I need to decide what I am going to do after September when the pool in our subdivision closes for the season.  Once I have the momentum going – I really and truly do not want to get out of the habit.  I may have to look at the Y or some other indoor pool.  If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!  In the meantime, I will be going down to the pool most evenings, provided it isn’t raining.  If anyone would like to join me, just call me.  I’m still looking for a used bicycle – to make the trip back and forth from the pool a little easier. 
At first, I was a little self-conscious about doing all these exercises in the pool.  Traditionally, the time that I am there, is a time when families come.  But no one was paying any attention to me – I was in my own little section – and I just did my thing.  And I decided that my health is much more important than what other people are thinking about me – if they even think about me at all.  I am working hard on my weight, and consequently, my health – and that is what really matters.
I had a nice compliment yesterday.  I was standing in my boss’ office, and she said that I’m just getting skinnier and skinnier.  I thanked her, and then told her that the scales really didn’t agree with her.  She said that not losing weight doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m not getting skinnier.  The exercise is creating muscle – and things are definitely rearranging.  That makes this plateau a little easier to bear – knowing that the people who are watching still see progress. 

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