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Friday, July 1, 2011

New Meds

I always hate taking new meds – I’m never exactly sure how they are going to affect me.  So far, this new one hasn’t been too bad.  It doesn’t quite make me dizzy – I think I’m going to have to come up with a descriptive term for what I am feeling:  demi-dizzy, maybe?  I feel like I WILL be dizzy if I just turn my head too fast.  A friend on my vanpool suggested it felt like a “whoosh” between my ears.  I hesitate to use that, knowing it will leave things open for all kinds of comments from the peanut gallery, even though that may be the most accurate.
At the moment, however, I am feeling distinctly nauseous.  I believe that is a combination of the new medicine, and the drive in to work.  I have always been particularly susceptible to motion sickness, and the driver this morning does a lot of the things that make me a little “green around the gills”:  pressing on the gas, then releasing; overcompensating when turning the wheel; stopping very quickly.  Hopefully this will pass soon!
The good news is that my knee may be feeling the tiniest bit better.  It didn’t seem as stiff this morning, and I don’t remember waking up last night with it hurting, for the first time in several months.  I like seeing progress – of any kind!
Today is Canada Day – so to all my Canadian friends and family – best wishes! 
It’s the Friday before a long weekend.  Realistically, that means traffic will most likely be horrible on the way home, although ever the optimist, I really hope it isn’t.  People head out for vacations or to visit friends or family – and they all seem to want to go at exactly the same time.  I’m praying that everyone has a safe holiday weekend!  Enjoy your barbeque – enjoy the fireworks – enjoy your day off!  I plan to relax.

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