
Walk with me...as I share this incredible journey.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

God Answers Prayers

Not too long ago, (May 2, to be exact) I talked about God providing for Peter before Peter even knew there was a need.  God provides so many things in my life – and many times He has answered the prayer before I have even prayed it!  That happened again yesterday, and I’m still surprised.  I shouldn’t be surprised that God answers my prayers!
Recent changes means that Dave will be spending Wednesdays at the church we have been attending, which would make it extremely difficult for him to come all the way BACK down to either Morrow or Stockbridge to pick me up from the vanpool and then get back to church in time for choir and Wednesday night activities.  I knew that a friend and co-worker of mine lives out in that general vicinity, so I approached her about giving me a ride – and dropping me off somewhere much closer so that Dave could pick me up.  Not only was she very agreeable to the idea, but when we looked at a map together, we discovered that she drives RIGHT PAST the church – and said it would be absolutely NO PROBLEM to drop me off there!  God is so amazing! 
I wonder if we miss God working in our lives because we just simply aren’t looking for His hand?  The more I study, the less I believe in coincidence and the more I believe that God is ALWAYS working in my life – if I just take the time to look.  And the more I believe this Scripture from Romans:
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  (Romans 8:28, NIV)

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