
Walk with me...as I share this incredible journey.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sand, Saltwater and Swimsuits

I just got back from vacation to Outer Banks, NC.  We had a blast visiting with old friends.  We went to the beach – we rode the ferry to Okercoke Island, toured the Blackbeard Museum, and just had a great time. 
Now, I must admit, the beach is NOT my favorite thing in the world.  First of all, there is that sand that gets into EVERYTHING.  The beach on Okercoke Island was particularly windy – so I’m still finding sand in places I really don’t want sand.  Then there is the saltwater – it feels GREAT when you are in it, but when you get out everything is sticky – and then there’s that sand again and now because you’re all wet, it has even more to stick to.  But this year – the swimsuit wasn’t an issue.  I didn’t feel like everyone looked at me in my swimsuit and thought things like, “That person shouldn’t be out here dressed like that.”  I felt, dare I say it, normal.
The beach really isn’t so bad – the sand and the saltwater are minor inconveniences that can easily be cured with a shower.  And everyone else in our group loved being there – and their enthusiasm was contagious.  I loved helping the girls find pretty seashells.  I enjoyed watching the boys jump the waves.  I definitely improved my tan.  And above all, some of the people I care most about were in their element – soaking up the sun and playing in the ocean.  Feeling good about myself and my body – was the best thing -  I don’t think I have EVER in my life been as relaxed as I was this week, especially on the beach.
Even better, I got on the scale this morning and weighed a few ounces less than I weighed before we left.  I didn’t particularly “watch” what I ate – although, of course, the portions are much smaller.  We stopped a couple of times for ice cream (yea for kiddie portions!) and if I wanted some, I had some. 
So, now it’s back to my “normal” life – but I feel refreshed and eager to get back to it!

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