
Walk with me...as I share this incredible journey.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Going to the Doctor

I went to the doctor yesterday, following a particularly painful flare up of gout Sunday evening.  While I was there, I received some really good news, and some not so good news.  The good news first:  my latest labs showed everything was nearly perfect.  My total cholesterol was 172; they want it less than 200.  My HDL (good) cholesterol was 53; they want it higher than 40.  My LDL (bad) cholesterol was 82; they want it less than 100.  My triglycerides were 148; they want them less than 150.  My A1C (long-term blood sugar) was 5.5; they want it less than 7.0.  These numbers have not always been good, so this news was very exciting, to say the least.  In particular, my bad cholesterol and my triglycerides are within in the normal range. 
However, it appears my kidney function is once again in jeopardy – that’s the not so good news.  They want me to do a 24-hour urine test, to determine more accurately what is happening.  I’m not exactly sure how involved this will be, but I will do what they ask.  Specifically, they are looking at creatinine levels. 
While I was there, I asked the doctor to look at my knee, and to give me a prescription that should help control the gout.  After my surgery, I tried really hard to cut out as many prescriptions as possible.  Even though I continued the lasix, I had hoped that the episodes of gout would be few and far between.  It took several months for the first attack, but they have been coming more and more frequently.  Avoiding them is far better than enduring them, so I’m back on the prescription.  The doctor gently felt my knee – and ordered x-rays, which showed “severe deterioration” of the bone.  She said “arthritis” – and gave me a referral to a rheumatologist.  I will try to contact him today to set up an appointment. 
I was a little amused at myself yesterday afternoon – I am far more upset by the thought of arthritis in my knee than I am with the possible kidney problems.  Maybe it’s because I have lived with a chronic condition (congestive heart failure) for a long time – and the kidney issues are just part of that.  Maybe it’s because I know that the kidney issues are part of the high doses of lasix that I am on.  Maybe it’s because I know that the arthritis won’t kill me – but there really isn’t much they can do for it.  Maybe it’s because she told me not to walk, or do any kind of repetitive, pounding exercise (no Zumba!) – when I know that I really need to step up the exercise to continue to drop pounds.  Whatever the reason, all I know is that I’m pretty upset about the knee.  I’m also relieved – knowing that this isn’t just “in my head.”  There is a valid cause for my pain, and I’m NOT imagining it. 
On a much more positive note – I am SO ENJOYING my tomatoes!  And there are dozens and dozens of the cherry tomatoes.  I have picked just a few, but when they start getting ripe – it’s going to be wonderful!

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